Thursday, July 14, 2011

Print TiKz figures from matlab

Go to

download the zipfile, place .m-scripts in matlab working directory.
Print to TiKz figure from matlab with

matlab2tikz( 'myfile.tikz' );

correct the plot labels (escape %, remove or add $ for math mode), embed into
LaTeX file by

\newlength\fheight \newlength\fwidth \setlength\fheight{4cm} \setlength\fwidth{6cm} \input{myfile.tikz}

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Print last rows of some result files

tail -n 1 -q ../../data/bralibase/unaligned/*/*.res

Loop over multiple files

Loop over multiple input files and do something, beep when done.
for i in `ls ../../data/bralibase/unaligned/*/*.fa`; do perl -p=9 -q=9 $i >> $i.res; done; beep

Friday, July 8, 2011